How to Brush & Floss with Braces
In this video, we talk about how to brush and floss with braces. Using a floss threader is the easiest way to floss your teeth with braces. You can also use a waterpik for braces, if using a floss threader is too difficult or time consuming.


Invisalign Instructions
Congratulations on starting your Invisalign treatment with Premier Orthodontics! In this video, we will let you know how to care for your invisible aligners during the course of your treatment.


How to Floss Permanent Retainers
Congratulations on completing your orthodontic treatment with Premier Orthodontics! In this video, we will teach you the best way to floss with a permanent retainer. You can also use a waterpik to ensure that your permanent retainer is clean.


Instructions for Clear Removable Retainers
In this video we will teach you the best way to wear and care for your removable clear retainer.